

Through Growth

Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly
High Impact Tutoring for Schools
About Us

A researched-backed model designed to deliver results

Paper’s G.R.O.W. High Impact Tutoring (HIT) uses a tailored, research-backed model specifically designed for school districts. Following the core tenets of HIT, our proven approach is aligned to state-specific standards and demonstrates academic gains for both remediation and acceleration.

Guided Learning Paths

Designed to seamlessly integrate with the district's core curriculum, ensuring alignment with state standards

Results-Oriented Framework

Evidence-based approach with a demonstrated track record of accelerating student learning

Weekly Engagement

Recurring weekly small-group sessions with the same tutor to foster meaningful learning relationships

Custom Tailored Content

Interactive lessons incorporating multimedia elements to encourage engagement and accommodate diverse learning styles

How it works

Customized for your district

Our G.R.O.W. Program Designers work with your team to create a custom program designed for your school - aligning to curriculum and state standards.
STEP: 01


We start by understanding your school's unique needs and tailor the G.R.O.W. program accordingly.

STEP: 02


Our team works with your school to integrate G.R.O.W. seamlessly into your curriculum.

STEP: 03
Ongoing support

Ongoing support

A HIT Program Facilitator will be assigned to your program to maintain continuous support and feedback.

Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring
Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring Guided, Results-Oriented, Weekly High Impact Tutoring

Ready to accelerate learning in your school?

Learn more about how G.R.O.W HIT can impact academic gains for your students.


Hear More About G.R.O.W.

Dr. Fleming, Superintendent, Harnett County Schools
Jen Black, Principal, Harnett Central Middle School
Steve Askar, Senior Director, Academic Learning, Paper